
Be Here Now

This time of year, things always seem to get busier, and time goes faster. It’s not true, of course. We just add a bunch of extra stuff on top of an already committed schedule, and viola, every bit of white space on the calendar is consumed.

No matter what the import of the date on the wall, it is in fact the day–not the date–that matters most.

We each only have this one. This one day. This one moment. To identify and remove the distractions between ourselves and the moment is the launching point for real connection and authenticity. Truly, what greater gift do we have to give than our attention?

The ironic thing is, as we get busier this time of year, the world around us is slowing down. In the Midwest, this is the time of year for trudging. The trees are bare. We are wrapped in darkness for 14 hours at a time. It’s as though Mother Nature is trying to focus our attention on the attributes of the landscape unencumbered by allure of green growth.

In some faiths, mid-December is the heart of Advent, a season of reflection and waiting. Again, people are called to refocus, to look away from the bustle and look inward.

Being present and authentic is not easy in any season. Getting here now takes effort. And it takes time–counterculture in a digital age. But if we can let go of the date and remember the day, we can honor all that has passed on and all that is yet to come by truly being here now.


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