
Bug Days

“Sometimes you’re the windshield and sometimes you’re the bug.” – Mary Chapin Carpenter

Try as we might, there are some things you can’t prepare for or change…life altering events that catch you off guard like a well-aimed snow ball.

Everyone’s windshields are different. It would be nice to say that you only get one in life; but on some days they come hourly. Bug days.

I would also like to report that I handle these moments with transcendent grace and aplomb, displaying a Zen-like acceptance of my new windshield circumstances.

That has not been my experience.

My first reaction is usually denial, followed closely with a desire to flee. After several moments of internal negotiation, I eventually surrender, and then the hard work begins.

Today’s windshield came in the form of an ethical dilemma. An ethical dilemma is created when doing what is generally accepted as right (i.e. telling the truth) jeopardizes the status of a relationship you hold dear. In this case, it was a family member.

I am not offering any profound insights or specific solutions. Each windshield must be resolved in obedience to individual conscience.

That said, I am with you in the struggle. It is the very essence of life.


One Comment

  • Lanny Gile

    But what is truth, is truth unchanging law? We both have truths, are mine the same as yours?

    -Pontious Pilate; “Jesus Christ Superstar”

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