

A friend recently asked whether I believed time and energy were finite. My immediate and admittedly non-scientific response was yes and no–in that order.

I have written here before about the finite nature of time in our daily lives comparing it to the limitations of a pie. But is energy different?

The language we use around energy is certainly different. Like batteries, we can feel energized or drained. Each conversation or even wordless exchange has a plus or minus effect on our energy level.

There are people we seek out and people we avoid. We do this instinctively based on how we feel during and after engaging with them.

Interacting with certain humans charges us up. They bring us stories and ideas. They rarely make jokes at another’s expense and are more often focused on being helpful. After a brief chat with them, you find your thoughts firing more rapidly and your outlook feels more genuinely optimistic.

They are the bubbles in our champagne.

Just as powerful is the opposite. People who come to us with negativity and are generally unsupportive of those about them. The stories they tell are often boastful or gossipy. It takes extra energy just to be around them.

And of course, there will always be some folks with whom we simply don’t click. Their personalities, past times, or pace may differ from our own. In the absence of common ground, we can feel the need to be on with them–an energy drain to be sure.

Gauging the energy supply and demand of your relationships positions you to better manage their impact. You are the steward of your energy.

Pivot and adjust when needed and energize your moment.


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