

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

– Semisonic, Closing Time

When faced with an exciting new beginning, we may be inclined to ignore some other beginning’s end. Excitement is more palatable than grief. Alternatively, when we are forced to face a sorrowful ending, we can’t always recognize that it is also a new beginning.

This is the way of life. Seasons change. Children grow. Relationships evolve.

We are in a constant state of flux transitioning from one phase to the next. Sometimes these transitions are obvious and remarkable–a snowfall, a driver’s license, an engagement ring. Other times, it’s more subtle–only clear in retrospect. For example, it’s difficult to discern the exact moment adolescence begins.

There is something bittersweet about this constant transition. Our cycle of beginnings and endings. It is why we might eagerly greet a new phase of life, only to moments later glorify the good ol’ days.

And, what about the times in between, when change is desired but eludes us? One door has closed and another door has yet to open…or we have yet to recognize it.

We are in the hallway.

If you prefer a sense of structure and certainty in your life (i.e. just about everyone I know), the hallway is a hard place to be. It is uncomfortable. It is neither here nor there.

In these times, we are called to trust. Trust the process. Trust the universe. Trust ourselves.

We keep moving forward without knowing exactly how the story will end. Staying the course,  using the tools we have picked up along the way, we face moments of grief, doubt, and quiet solace.

Until one day, we look around and realize…a new door has gently closed behind us.

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