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    A friend recently asked whether I believed time and energy were finite. My immediate and admittedly non-scientific response was yes and no–in that order. I have written here before about the finite nature of time in our daily lives comparing it to the limitations of a pie. But is energy different? The language we use around energy is certainly different. Like batteries, we can feel energized or drained. Each conversation or even wordless exchange has a plus or minus effect on our energy level. There are people we seek out and people we avoid. We do this instinctively based on how we feel during and after engaging with them. Interacting with certain humans charges us up. They bring us stories and ideas.…

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    Bug Days

    “Sometimes you’re the windshield and sometimes you’re the bug.” – Mary Chapin Carpenter Try as we might, there are some things you can’t prepare for or change…life altering events that catch you off guard like a well-aimed snow ball. Everyone’s windshields are different. It would be nice to say that you only get one in life; but on some days they come hourly. Bug days. I would also like to report that I handle these moments with transcendent grace and aplomb, displaying a Zen-like acceptance of my new windshield circumstances. That has not been my experience. My first reaction is usually denial, followed closely with a desire to flee. After several moments of internal negotiation, I…

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