
Dogs and Humans

My husband, W, had a heart attack on New Year’s Eve. Thankfully, he’s recovering well after the miraculous procedure of inserting multiple stents into two arteries. We say he’s bionic now.

What’s been interesting is how our dog, Roux, has responded to his convalescence.

Roux prefers to lay next to W on the couch with his head resting on W’s leg. Or on the floor at W’s feet. We have taken to calling him a therapy dog.

I know Roux is not unique in this nurturing trait. Reports abound of canines demonstrating unconditional love and companionship. There are movies showcasing heroic dogs in service to the military and law enforcement agencies. Or dogs who drag people to safety and save lives.

Closer to home, others have shared story after story of dogs and humans that are less dramatic, but no less impactful.

For instance, the story of the man with the twice daily obligation (blessing) of walking his roommate’s dog that kept him from being completely swallowed up by depression and grief. Stories of dogs that protect their people, sleep with them, or notify their owners of a crying baby just out of earshot.

Companionship that is demonstrated by a dog that would wait to eat his dinner until his master arrived home from work each day. Or the dog who would hug his owner when she cried by putting his paws on each of her shoulders and nuzzling her face.

Why all this talk of dogs and people? Because when the universe deals us a seemingly insurmountable hand or simply a bad day, it is not a grand gesture that saves us. Rather it is love…offered unconditionally, asking little in return…that heals our hearts.

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