
What If?

What if everything in this life has happened exactly as it was supposed to? What if all the injustices (perceived or real), the missed opportunities, the almosts, the not quites, the coulda woulda shouldas disappeared? And all that remained was life…exactly as it is in the present moment.

No regrets. No remorse. No worry about the future.

What if the yardstick by which we measured life never came up short?

What if our lives were laid before us like a hand of cards? Not to be judged as winning or losing but rather to be played…joyfully…thoughtfully…with great gusto!

How would your day be different if it were free from regret, worry, and doubt?

You may be thinking, sure that works if you have enough money or food or a driver’s license or someone to love or someone who loves you, but what about when you don’t? When the cards in your hand don’t seem to add up to much, and you know the deck is stacked against you.

There may be times when we are more conscious of the dire nature of our straits, but does that make living in the past or in the future any more useful?

Every moment holds a gift not contingent on circumstances and available to all. The gift of the moment is revealed through our application of acceptance and gratitude. Experience validates this notion.

There is another ingredient that assists in changing our perspective when our circumstances are not as we’d planned. This secret ingredient is a willingness to coexist with mystery.

The greater our capacity to allow for ineffable forces at play in our lives, the more we are able to accept our present and the more gratitude for that present we are able to feel.

When the circumstances of our lives are no longer expected to be fair…or even fully explained…we are free to simply be. To be singular, remarkable, resilient, and beloved. We are present to receive the universe and hold our unique place within it.


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