
Sunday Sunday

Early last Sunday morning, I was running past a friend’s house in the pre-dawn quiet. Her Jeep was parked outside. I knew she was sleeping. Sunday is her only day off of work. It is the day she rests.

In spite of the fact that “resting on the seventh day” is often referenced, the idea of resting at all has become counterculture in our world. Many stores operate 24/7. Businesses expect their employees to be available 24/7. And certainly, the internet knows no limits on its productive time. It would seem that we have “evolved” beyond a six-day work week.

But…is it wise?

Research tells us that taking a rest from exercise at regular intervals actually enhances our performance and contributes to restoring overall health. We can find benefit from resting our minds as well. Taking time for yourself to relax, play, or do nothing provides an opportunity to recalibrate.

Resting positions us to come back to our work refreshed with a clearer mind.

Occasionally extending that rest to include some intentional reading, writing, and reflection can be very powerful when facing the demands of daily life. Often, quiet is necessary for our inner voice to be heard.

Prioritizing rest isn’t easy in a world of competing priorities. Fast forward a week to Super Bowl Sunday. The addition of a five-hour party on top of all our usual Sunday pastimes results in a very busy weekend…the solution is to flex. Creating a space for quiet in your life takes effort and negotiation. Take the large picture into account and adjust accordingly.

Whether it’s a half hour of quiet or a half day of Netflix, being intentional about incorporating rest can strengthen our creativity…and bring peace to our spirits.

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