

“Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.” – Pablo Picasso, 1923

A person is a kaleidoscope. Bits of gold and rose sliding across flecks of indigo and green–each going in and out of our view in turn. At times, some parts of people are so well hidden, it’s as though they don’t exist.

Then another twist, the view shifts, and they reappear. Beckoned forth. Generosity, fear, compassion…plink, plink, plink…selfishness, curiosity, jealousy…plink, plink, plink.

Unlike a kaleidoscope; however, people grow and change…or atrophy and change. Regardless of the means, we change.

Some change is evolutionary like the unconscious change in our gait from a long-healed injury. Some change is revolutionary like taking a new job or learning a new language. And, some change is the result of erosion. Our character can be either honed or diminished by our circumstances as well as the elements in other people’s natures that continuously wash over us.

Everyone tries to put their best foot forward in new situations. We are all coached on how to manufacture a favorable first impression (while simultaneously demonstrating authenticity!)

In order to avoid this obfuscation and know with whom you’re dealing with, you don’t have to go digging. You simply have to be patient. More is always revealed over time. You need only watch as the colors change. And, listen for what matters.

The same is true of us.

If we paint a picture of ourselves for others in an effort to garner their favor, inherently we are forced to deny the parts of ourselves we camouflage in the process. Over time, we run the risk of believing our lies and lay a foundation for self-rejection.

Listening for what matters in ourselves is just as important as listening for what matters in others.

What are you not hearing?

What are you not saying?

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