
Keeping Peace

Things have been tricky lately. Certainties seem uncertain.  A bit like freshman Algebra, it feels like life has more variables than constants.

Not knowing what Santa will bring you is one thing–the uncertainty of a future delight. But future mysteries in our jobs, relationships, and even the global community are different. Uncertainty in areas of our lives in which we’re more heavily invested can really disturb our peace of mind.

Over the next few days, I’m going to share about peace of mind in two parts. First, in honor of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, two ways to think plus two ways to act when faced with challenges in our relationships (including sharing meals with your parents and extended family.)

  1. Keep expectations realistic. Of yourself and others. For example if crowds are a struggle for you, if spending more than 20 mins with your (fill in the blank) drives you crazy, if your dog greets strangers enthusiastically, remember today will be no different. Plan accordingly.
  2. There is only one thing we can control in this life, our own behavior. It’s as simple as that. (Re-read for maximum retention.)
  3. Now, about what you can do…help. Being of service never disappoints. Small acts of kindness pay tremendous dividends. Hold the door. Pour the coffee. Dry the dishes. There are almost always dishes.
  4. When in doubt, hug the people you love and play with kids and pets. If you’re not sure about hugging someone, you may want to ask permission first. I try to be respectful of other’s personal space. I’ve never been told it was stupid to ask and some people have actually thanked me. No need for me to explain the benefit of kids and pets.

There is one thing that is certain, we will get what we give. Peace out. Peace in.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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