
10,000 Hours

In 2008, Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers suggested that anyone can develop world-class expertise at any skill by dedicating 10,000 hours to practicing it. While not all experts agreed with his theory, it does support the age-old adage that practice makes perfect.

So, now that we’re considering committing the 10,000 hours, the bigger question is how do we decide that we will practice? You may think, what a minute, I didn’t commit to practicing anything! But consider the idea a little more broadly, where we spend our time is where we are practicing already. To that way of thinking, we are all practicing something.

What is it we are choosing to perfect? There are only 24 hours in a day with thousands of options waiting to command our attention.

Our time goes where our heart leads. We give our time to what we value.

This may come as good news or bad news as we consider the allocation of our days. If much of our attention is being consumed by work that is truly an extension of our passions, it is bliss. Or perhaps our time is dedicated to family or education. We are the right person in the right seat, and life is good.

Conversely, if we spend time at a job that we don’t enjoy and that doesn’t feed our minds or spirits, we have to look at what we are getting out of it. There is always something.

Look for where your time is going and do a gut check. Is it where your heart leads you? If not, why not?

One more thing, the reverse is also true, developing proficiency at something can also help you develop an interest in it. If there is something you would like to be more engaged in, practice it. You may be surprised where your efforts lead your heart.


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