
Live. Learn. Lead.

Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes.

— Incubus, Drive

I was given the suggestion that you hire passion and train skill.

Passion. Curiosity. Engagement. These are qualities that seem inherent to an individual nature. While a leader can influence their growth, they tend to either be present or not. I’ve learned this the hard way.

We’ve all seen the reverse of such encouragement as well. People who have had their joie de vivre drained out of them. How does it happen? Start by them being shown no appreciation for their unique talents. Add some measure of uncertainty around their role or value in an organization. Implement processes that inhibit creativity and original thought.

Eventually, you’ll look around and see groups of people doing exactly as they are told. Nothing more, nothing less. Riding the bus to retirement.

As leaders, we are called to challenge people. Not create environments that starve them intellectually, cultivate fear, and advance mediocrity. People thrive when they have a clear understanding of their purpose within an organization and are given the support to fulfill it.

As Simon Sinek demonstrated in his first TED Talk speaking about a golden circle…we are all motivated by a compelling “why”. Excitement is contagious.

When we seek ideas that fire our imagination, we are better positioned to cultivate engagement within our own spheres of influence. Entertain new ideas and continue to learn. Ask for input. Stay engaged. Say yes often and ask how suggestions align with the greater goal you are seeking to achieve. Doing these things ensures you are bringing your best and getting their best.

We already know this stuff intuitively. There are thousands of inspirational memes all over the internet to remind us. While some seem disingenuous, one rings true no matter the context…if you want to live differently, live differently. And, if you want to lead differently, lead differently.


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