
Different for a Reason

In a niche of a larger industry, Joe built a tribe. He stepped out of the safety of the familiar, a tried and true model of converting asset donations to a nonprofit’s bottom line, and grew a company based on his passion for innovation. He doesn’t sell a product although he has one. Instead, Joe sells an idea about how to do things differently.

As an adolescent, Morgan witnessed first hand the impacts of mental illness. She developed a tremendous capacity for empathy and justice. After working in a substance abuse treatment center and at a school for children with behavior disorders, she pursued nursing and became an acute care RN. Morgan is recognized as a leader for her compassion and commitment to her patients.

While continuing to pursue multiple advanced degrees, Marcel started and stayed with an industry giant. He used his knowledge and experience to develop potential within the organization. As a leader, he is known to be intelligent, mindful, and generous. Marcel’s brand is situational leadership. He knows from experience that one size doesn’t fit all.

These are people who have learned to bring their gifts to the moment. They balance the ever-present tension of being delightfully square pegs in a society that pretends to only offer round holes. Through experience they understand that if you celebrate rather than deny who you are, the universe has a way of giving you (big and small) opportunities to shine.

Pretending to be someone you’re not is excruciating. Ask anyone who has said yes when they really meant no. Or any teenager. Instead of assuming the ways in which you differ from your neighbor are detracting from your value, return to the reality that the things that make you different make you special. Moreover those differences are part of your intended purpose.

It is no accident that you are so _______. Fill in your blank.

The list of different for a reason examples could go on and on. We all have gifts. Our challenge is to never shy away from looking within and then honoring with reverence that which we find.

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