
Contribution vs. Investment

There is an oft told fable about a chicken and a pig discussing a meal of ham and eggs. Full of ideas about the future, the chicken suggests they should open a restaurant together. The pig considers the idea with less enthusiasm and points out to the hen that, while she would be involved in the effort to purvey ham and eggs, the pig would be committed.

This story is generally used to illustrate the differing levels of commitment people can have to a situation often with the intent of securing deeper commitment from the audience to a particular cause. However, in the context of a discussion about peace of mind, it becomes a cautionary tale.

Involved vs. committed. Contribution vs. investment.

Our peace of mind starts to slip away when we need to know what will happen next in a situation. When we feel the pull to insert ourselves into someone else’s effort just to ensure that everything goes the way we think it’s supposed to, that’s investment. Words like “should” and “what if” start to creep in to our thinking.

Our serenity is in the greatest jeopardy of being disturbed when we become invested in the outcome of our efforts.

An alternative to investment is contribution.

A contribution is an offering. It doesn’t have strings.

The same level of effort and passion can be applied to perform a task whether as a contribution or as an investment. It’s the degree to which our happiness is tied to a particular outcome that determines how we regard it.

Approaching efforts at work and in relationships as a contribution allows us to navigate uncertain environments with grace and a greater clarity about our individual value. Regardless of outcomes or next steps, we can feel good about who we are and how we have delivered our goodness to the universe. It is our contribution.

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