
May You Be With The Force

Some people might say something doesn’t “sit right with them”.  Other people might call it listening to their intuition or trusting their gut. Yoda would refer to sensing a disruption in The Force. Regardless of their parlance, they’re saying the same thing.

Something in a situation just doesn’t feel right.

As much as some of us would like our decision making to follow an entirely rational course, we are occasionally pulled in a different direction by a detour of feeling. This isn’t the emotional kind of feeling. This feeling is a physical sensation–something I have always equated to a shift in energy. There is likely a scientific explanation for it. I will leave that to someone better equipped than me to explain.

What I am interested in is what we do when something doesn’t feel right. Do we follow our gut? Or discount it as irrational? Does it matter whether our intuition is counter the prevailing opinion?

Certainly each situation is different. The stakeholders and significance of each decision will vary. As does the nature of every decider. That said, in my experience, there is usually a reason the universe taps me on the shoulder. And while, it does not always cause me to change directions, it does cause me to pause.

There is power in the pause. Sometimes I use it to ask the room for dissenting opinions.  Sometimes I use it for quiet reflection. And sometimes I simply take a moment to review the facts again.

Regardless of the outcome I have come to trust that when I feel like something isn’t quite right, I am best served to pay attention and pause.

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