Blog Post


“The more serious we are about being true to a vision, the more we realize it is our life work.”

– Peter Block

Hello again, it has been a minute since I wrote my last blog. I started graduate school in August 2018, and homework has sapped my extra time as well as much of my free range creativity. Even so, the scholarly effort I extend toward that goal does not work quite the same muscles as this blog. I have missed it.

This quote from Block, it caught my attention. It is from his well-known Flawless Consulting, an assigned text for class. Honestly, my first thought in reading the sentence was that this guy was in the midst of an existential crisis when he wrote the book or possibly entering mid-life (which is essentially the same thing). My second thought was a bit more generous and inspired…we get to set our vision. That reminder gave me pause.

As an adult, I have learned that the vision for my life is my choice. When I was younger, I might have argued that it was influenced, perhaps even directed, by my parents. But as time passed, it became increasingly evident that both its trajectory and velocity is determined by my hand.

This realization is simultaneously empowering and terrifying. Choice often is.

Naturally, there is quote after inspiring quote to propel us forward in this daunting task. Motivators like — What would you do if you knew you could not fail? To thine own self be true. And the iconic, Just Do It.

None of these define our “it” for us though. I believe this is where Block gets it right. Defining, revealing, approaching, enjoying, dismissing, claiming, challenging, befriending, and ultimately loving ourselves into our vision. Our it. This is a life work.

As Rilke predicts through living (and self-reflection) our answers appear or are revealed.

Like a slow, deliberate sunrise casting rays of faith, surety, and confidence across the uncertainty of our future…okay, I’ll stop. Like I said, it has been a while since I have used these muscles.

The bottom line…when we take ownership of our experience on this blue boat, amazing things will happen. It might take some time to free ourselves of the unrealistic expectations, arbitrary affinities, and OPOs (other people’s opinions) that we have saddled ourselves with over the years…but when we do, look out. It is amazing.

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