
Three Words

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

This quote, or one similar to it, has been attributed to several sources including Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi. Regardless of its origin, its verity is without question.

Another way to think of it is “what we focus on…grows”. Or, most succinctly “as you think, so you become”.

Earlier this year, I was listening to a favorite podcast, the One You Feed. It is named for the parable of the two wolves at battle within each of us. Each week they provide an interview that centers on how various individuals feed their good wolves.

During this particular episode, the host Eric Zimmer was speaking with Brendon Burchard, a motivational speaker, writer, and high performance trainer.

Brendon presented the idea of choosing three words that define your best, highest self. These words can represent who you are today or can be stretch goals. In my experience, you’re best served by having them be a bit of both. Put the words in your smart phone and set an alarm to have it remind you of them throughout the day. See what happens next.

Spoiler alert: You begin to think of yourself in terms of your three words.

It has been true in my experience. My three words have informed my actions. I am as committed to them today as I was when I selected them. They are becoming habits.

So choose your three words and set your alarms. I suggest 4x a day without sound.

Choose wisely. It’s a simple way to support a way of living that matters to you and become the architect of your destiny.


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