
Honest Maps

The last week of the year is like the free space on the bingo card of life. Often, we are out of our usual routine. Businesses keep special hours. Folks are traveling or shopping After-Christmas sales. Some use the beginning of the week to recover from a sugar cookie hangover only to exchange cookies for cocktails on New Years Eve.

This change in our routine lends itself to some reflection on what we believe–a precursor to resolution setting.

What we believe is important, because it is the basis of our actions. What we believe about ourselves is even more important. It informs every interaction we have. When what we believe about ourselves is not current, it’s like we are working from an outdated map.

You think you know how to get from one place to another, how things fit together, or what’s around the corner, but you’re all turned around. Something has shifted.

Why do our maps change, and how do we keep them current? Our maps or beliefs change when we our actions or behaviors change. It’s been said you can’t think your way into different acting–you must act your way into different thinking. Ironically, the source of our actions mentioned above notwithstanding, if you want to change your beliefs, change your actions.

This feeling of being out of sync can also result from some change in role or identity. Graduating from school, starting a new job, becoming a parent, any significant rite of passage can trigger the need to update our beliefs about ourselves. To catch up to reality.

We stay current with our beliefs by checking in with ourselves, our mentors, and our partners. Charting a course with intention requires this diligence. Honest maps are essential to get you where you want to go.

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