
Beauty In Transition

“In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance.”

— Jeanette Winterson, The World and Other Places: Stories

As sometimes happens on damp winter days in the Midwest, this day started with a spectacular sunrise. The cerulean sky was embellished with extravagant ribbons of fuchsia and amber. The very tree tops were ablaze with color.

It lasted 60 seconds. Maybe two minutes.

We have previously discussed the uncomfortable nature of being in the hallway. Of how challenging it can be moving between two places mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So disagreeable in fact, that at times, we race past it as quickly as the situation will allow. We take the first option offered to us just to ensure our hands are not empty for long.

Because we are uncomfortable, we squeeze our eyes shut and we push forward. We steel ourselves against the inevitable grief and confusion that shadows all change. In doing so, we allow the beauty of the moment to pass by us unnoticed.

Consider the quiet night. Stars settled comfortably in the dark sky. Each morning brings the sun pushing itself over the horizon. A daily birth. Dark becomes light quickly and slowly. This change, this moment, is inevitable. The difference is we are willing to be present with (and praise) the beauty of the daily destruction of the peaceful night.

With each breath we take, there is the tiniest re-orientation between the inhale and the exhale. With each change in life, there are “in between moments” where the destruction of the known by the unknown occurs. Sometimes gradually. Sometimes violently.

Living and leading with a fearless heart, a present mind, and curious eyes, we can find beauty in all of our transitions.

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