
Think Big. Aim Small.

Aiming small may seem counterintuitive in a world of Play-Off games, New York Times Best Seller lists, and Zagat’s reviews. Our society continually seeks to identify the best of the best. In fact the web is full of listicles gone viral — 10 Quick Ways to Simplify Your Life, 7 Most Annoying Habits of Air Travelers, 21 Funniest Cat Videos — which serve to underscore that what you do isn’t valuable unless it is acknowledged by a million likes. But there’s a cheat in that tenet; it’s impossible to connect meaningfully with millions.

I can’t look into the eyes of a million people and see them deeply. I can’t have the divinity of my nature recognize the divinity of theirs. It’s not possible.

I am not discounting the value of books and art…or TED Talks in front of hundreds or thousands of people. These each have their place. They inform and inspire us. They keep us motivated by reinforcing our own ultimate understanding of the universe. But they do not supplant the essence of the human experience revealed through one on one connection.

It is in that personal connection that real growth is charted.

It is one thing for me to consider, document, and reflect on my leadership style, personal/professional growth, or a changed design for living. It is quite another to reveal that truth to another person. Because in the revelation, we are changed. More is revealed. A single truth becomes a joint understanding. We have taken the show on the road so to speak and the road itself informs the show. In those moments, we know Reality beyond ourselves and a connection that feels electric. Because it is.

So go ahead, THINK BIG but remember…aim small.


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