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    Azimuth Degree

    Azimuth – the arc of the horizon measured clockwise from the north point in navigation to the point where a vertical circle through a given heavenly body intersects the horizon. Said another way, the azimuth is the measure of your distance in degrees from true north. To calculate the azimuth degree, you need only two variables. First, you must identify your true north. In this analogy, it assumes the role of your destination. Second, you must know where you are–your point of departure. This sounds easy enough, right? Knowing the distance between where you are and where you want to be is requisite when planning for any excursion. Whether you’re trying to move a project forward,…

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    Respond or React?

    On the eve of a holiday that brings people together in various delicious and obligatory situations, I’ve been thinking about the difference between responding and reacting. Regardless of the degree to which our present company is beloved, the holidays can be a bit of an emotional mine field. Our expectations are proportional to the size of the turkey or number of chairs around the table. Out of our routine and off of our schedules, we can revert to toddlerhood quickly. We’re not sure what we need, but we know it doesn’t involve eating another random cranberry salad or playing a 4-hour game of Monopoly with a banker that should be under federal investigation.…

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    Fear Hacks

    There is a famous scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Indy has to traverse a canyon over an invisible bridge, known as The Path of God. It is a fantastical cinematic depiction of a challenge that each of us faces frequently in our daily lives. We see a goal. We hesitate. Eventually, if we are bold, we step forward with our own leap of faith. What drives the hesitation? In the words of writer and entrepreneur, Seth Godin, fear is what stops us. Fear fuels hesitation and doubt. Fear fuels the negative self talk that undermines our confidence. Fear keeps our eyes averted, our mouths shut, and our hands in our pockets. Here are four…

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    Hot and Tasty

    Recently, I was the recipient of an opinion survey from an organization with which I do business. To protect the innocent, let’s say the questions went something like this… Were the biscuits hot and tasty? Was the room clean and comfortable? Would you stay here again or recommend the property? With any of these questions, it’s impossible to know what I was really thinking by my answer. Perhaps I found the biscuits to be pleasantly warm from the oven, but alas, not so delicious. How do I answer? Unfortunately, surveyors make the common mistake of combining questions with conjunctions rather than parsing them out (e.g. Were the biscuits hot? Were the biscuits tasty?). Why do these combo…

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    May You Be With The Force

    Some people might say something doesn’t “sit right with them”.  Other people might call it listening to their intuition or trusting their gut. Yoda would refer to sensing a disruption in The Force. Regardless of their parlance, they’re saying the same thing. Something in a situation just doesn’t feel right. As much as some of us would like our decision making to follow an entirely rational course, we are occasionally pulled in a different direction by a detour of feeling. This isn’t the emotional kind of feeling. This feeling is a physical sensation–something I have always equated to a shift in energy. There is likely a scientific explanation for it. I will leave that to someone better equipped than me to explain. What…

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