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    Bigger Than The Rules

    “Don’t you know who I am?” Thinks everyone. I’ll be honest. There are times when I think I am bigger than the rules. It can happen in all sorts of ways, but generally, it is when following (what I have deemed is) an insignificant rule takes more effort than not. I am not talking about capital S sins, more like moral misdemeanors. Parking in a fire lane while picking up a pizza or occasionally bringing my own Jujyfruits to a movie. I am not particularly proud of this…nor am I alone in it. Most of us like to believe that rules are made for other people. Sure, there is the possibility of larger,…

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    Live. Learn. Lead.

    Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes. — Incubus, Drive I was given the suggestion that you hire passion and train skill. Passion. Curiosity. Engagement. These are qualities that seem inherent to an individual nature. While a leader can influence their growth, they tend to either be present or not. I’ve learned this the hard way. We’ve all seen the reverse of such encouragement as well. People who have had their joie de vivre drained out of them. How does it happen? Start by them being shown no appreciation for their unique talents. Add some measure of uncertainty around their role or value in an organization. Implement processes that inhibit…

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    Other Duties As Assigned

    Life happens. Unless you own your own business, the details of your resume are subject to change without notice or permission. This is particularly true large organizations. Decisions are made that affect individuals’ lives without input of those that are impacted. Sometimes it’s referred to as a realignment of work (rather sterile). Other times, it’s the more generous “opportunity for development”. Regardless of how it’s packaged, apple carts are upended. We can go from being an expert to a novice with a mouse click. Our initial reaction is fear. We wonder how we will learn it all. Will we look foolish? Can we perform to the level that’s expected by others? By ourselves? Some of us are plagued with self-sufficiency. Like perfectionism, self-sufficiency is a deficit…

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    Different Is Good

    In a presidential election year, a year when we have been bombarded with racially-charged national tragedies, the word diversity has gotten a lot of air time. It is established in our lexicon. The meaning shifts however when we set aside political agendas to consider the merits of diversity on a personal level. Diversity of thought. In this context, diversity simply means different. Existing in a state of unlikeness or of being different from something or someone can trigger all kinds of responses. Fear or curiosity. Attraction or repulsion. But before we can truly encounter and engage the nature of someone’s otherness, we are obliged to concede on one essential point…the possibility…that we don’t know everything. A…

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