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    Don’t Yuck My Yum

    As much as we strive to be unaffected by the opinions of others, most people do care what other people think. We are social creatures, and mutual acceptance is an integral part of society. As it happens, we are everybody else’s other people. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we have power in the lives of those around us. Our friends, coworkers, and family all care to greater or lesser degrees what we think. If you are still balking at this idea, consider the power of social media to influence. An entire industry has grown up around the ability of social media (i.e., our opinions) to influence others. Shares and…

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    All Aboard

    “I hear the train a comin’ It’s rolling round the bend…” — Johnny Cash, Folsom Prison Blues Human beings take up their own place, time, and space like all physical things. From a singular point of view, it may seem at times that our needs do not align with the desires of those around us. We operate under the illusion that the confluence of our lives is to be like a grand rail station…each of us moving forward with a predetermined schedule and pace. Each dutifully keeping to their own tracks. Maybe from a distance, life appears that way. But when you’re at street level, it can seem random and chaotic. All decisions become a different stop along the tracks. Should we keep this job or pursue…

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    Live. Learn. Lead.

    Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes. — Incubus, Drive I was given the suggestion that you hire passion and train skill. Passion. Curiosity. Engagement. These are qualities that seem inherent to an individual nature. While a leader can influence their growth, they tend to either be present or not. I’ve learned this the hard way. We’ve all seen the reverse of such encouragement as well. People who have had their joie de vivre drained out of them. How does it happen? Start by them being shown no appreciation for their unique talents. Add some measure of uncertainty around their role or value in an organization. Implement processes that inhibit…

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    Invictus Investing

    “Your efforts are paying fantastic dividends.” He said it as he walked from the bakery to his car a white paper bag clutched in his left hand. I had been running almost three miles by then, only half-present to the familiar landmarks of my daily route, and he caught me by surprise. That time of morning, most people aren’t out and about. Even fewer are chatty. He was heavy-set. Ambling more than walking. And his tone made it unclear if his comment was as much a compliment to me as it was a condemnation of himself. The thought kept the words with me the rest of the way home…efforts…dividends. I…

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    Word Choice

    In the months since I started writing this blog, I have occasionally been asked by acquaintances what it’s about. In the very beginning, that was difficult to answer. It wasn’t as though I began with a description and then started writing. Quite the opposite. I had something to say. So I wrote. Eventually, the most accurate description was provided by a dear friend and faithful reader. He said simply, you write about what’s important to you. Exactly. While that may seem vague, it is appropriately capacious. Thought Works posts have been inspired by everything from lackluster leadership to little green men. The common thread throughout all of them is the significance…

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