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    All Beings Being Equal

    + If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater or lesser persons than yourself. — Max Ehrmann, The Desiderata To heed Ehrmann’s warning, let’s begin with a definition. Compare – verbĀ  1. To examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences. Comparing does two things that run counter to deep connectedness and community. First, by definition, comparing ourselves to another separates us (i.e. we cannot compare a thing or person to itself.) Second, because comparing objectifies us and others, it’s inherently dehumanizing. We become the objects, figuratively speaking, of comparison. There is a…

  • Blog Post


    “As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.” — Max Ehrmann, The Desiderata The second half of this Ehrmann quote is one of those master of the obvious statements. Wanna be happy? Be on good terms with all persons. (Um, duh.) But working backwards, it gets more interesting. “As far as possible, without surrender…” The reference to surrender demonstrates the Ehrmann’s understanding of the human condition and the resulting truth that we will have conflict. People driven by fear, ego, and instincts that have over-rotated in their desire to be met will seek to dominate one another. Now and then, this warring nature manifests as…

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    Thank You Please

    People will never forget how you made them feel — Maya Angelou There is a universal moment after a gift or favor has been bestowed upon a child that humans collectively pause for a few seconds, waiting for a tiny, sing-song “thank you” they hope will follow. Parents especially hope for this. The thank-you or its absence can feel like a reflection on them. What kind of parent are they? Have they raised a well-mannered child? And it goes beyond parents. On some level, we all hope to hear an expression of gratitude for a courtesy granted; it speaks to the dynamics of our larger human community. As people, we…

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    Leave Pride On The Side

    Now and then, I’m afforded the opportunity to share in a vehicle donation community project. It is the cooperative endeavor of several hands to make refurbished transportation possible to a person or family in need. It is absolute goodness. It happened again this past week. As the recipient was passed the keys, he commented about times in life when we need to leave pride on the side and ask for help. I was struck by the visual of an item being left behind, cast aside its value exhausted. How often does pride, or its equally debilitating sibling fear, get in the way of our asking for help? Or admitting to…

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