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    Leave Pride On The Side

    Now and then, I’m afforded the opportunity to share in a vehicle donation community project. It is the cooperative endeavor of several hands to make refurbished transportation possible to a person or family in need. It is absolute goodness. It happened again this past week. As the recipient was passed the keys, he commented about times in life when we need to leave pride on the side and ask for help. I was struck by the visual of an item being left behind, cast aside its value exhausted. How often does pride, or its equally debilitating sibling fear, get in the way of our asking for help? Or admitting to…

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    Look, There I Am Again

    “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:  What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” –C.S. Lewis I recently got to spend quality time with an old friend. Close when we were in college, we have been out of touch in the interval since. As we shared memories, she recounted something that had happened between us years ago. I was surprised at the similarity in my emotional reaction to events that occurred then as compared to those in my life today. My unthinking responses were consistent. I recognized the familiar internal narrative. Was it possible that remnants of the beliefs that drove my bus in my twenties linger still? Yup.…

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