• Blog Post


    “The more serious we are about being true to a vision, the more we realize it is our life work.” – Peter Block Hello again, it has been a minute since I wrote my last blog. I started graduate school in August 2018, and homework has sapped my extra time as well as much of my free range creativity. Even so, the scholarly effort I extend toward that goal does not work quite the same muscles as this blog. I have missed it. This quote from Block, it caught my attention. It is from his well-known Flawless Consulting, an assigned text for class. Honestly, my first thought in reading the…

  • Blog Post

    Quiet and Clear

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. — Max Ehrmann, The Desiderata Everyone has a story. Some are beautiful; some are funny. Some are painful and even tragic. Most life stories contain all of these elements in their turn. As humans, we are storytellers. It’s how we inform one another about who we are and who we want to be. Inherent in the creation of our narrative comes the need for it to be heard. From PhDs to Pinterest, the world is full of references to our need for attention, approval, acceptance, allowing, and affection. Acknowledgement is my…

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    Look, There I Am Again

    “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:  What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” –C.S. Lewis I recently got to spend quality time with an old friend. Close when we were in college, we have been out of touch in the interval since. As we shared memories, she recounted something that had happened between us years ago. I was surprised at the similarity in my emotional reaction to events that occurred then as compared to those in my life today. My unthinking responses were consistent. I recognized the familiar internal narrative. Was it possible that remnants of the beliefs that drove my bus in my twenties linger still? Yup.…

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    Any Questions?

    I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah – Sting It is easy to slip into the need for answers in our daily activities. After all, practically from birth we’re taught that all questions have answers. “Where’s your nose?” turns into “What sound does a cow make?” Before long, we are solving for Y and completing job applications. Our early experience can set an expectation that all questions have answers. And even more specifically, that each question…

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    “Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.” – Pablo Picasso, 1923 A person is a kaleidoscope. Bits of gold and rose sliding across flecks of indigo and green–each going in and out of our view in turn. At times, some parts of people are so well hidden, it’s as though they don’t exist. Then another twist, the view shifts, and they reappear. Beckoned forth. Generosity, fear, compassion…plink, plink, plink…selfishness, curiosity, jealousy…plink, plink, plink. Unlike a kaleidoscope; however, people grow and change…or atrophy and change. Regardless of the means, we change. Some change is evolutionary like the unconscious change in our gait from a long-healed injury. Some change is revolutionary like…

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