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    The Christians and The Pagans

    Tolerance is one of those words that seems to be said more frequently in the inverse than directly. While logic dictates that the ways we could be intolerant should be equal to the ways in which we’re tolerant, intolerance always seems to get top billing. Harsh words, actions, or worse catch our attention. But taking a step back, the division took root in our prior thinking. It begins the moment we shift from acknowledging the differences between us to judging them. We attribute a negative value to them. Consider, one of the first things we do upon making someone’s acquaintance is to compare notes on those things we have in common. We do this with little things like sharing…

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    The Perfect Age

    We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations. – Anais Nin At 46 years old, I have no way of knowing what percentage of my life has passed and what is yet before me. I like to believe I’ll live to be more than 100 years old. Some people say it’s crazy to want to live that long. “What happens when your body doesn’t work anymore?…

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    In an age of an eye for an eye, holding grudge or exacting revenge can feel like a right–maybe even a duty. You hurt me, and I will show you… Whether on the national stage or across the kitchen table, this same thinking can exist. Some time ago I learned to ask myself this question, when does losing my temper ever make things better? When faced with a betrayal, feeling threatened or maybe just incredibly frustrated…when my instincts tell me to lash out, I remember the question. When does losing my temper ever make things better? The answer is never. On occasion, it is helpful for me to play the tape all the way…

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    Azimuth Degree

    Azimuth – the arc of the horizon measured clockwise from the north point in navigation to the point where a vertical circle through a given heavenly body intersects the horizon. Said another way, the azimuth is the measure of your distance in degrees from true north. To calculate the azimuth degree, you need only two variables. First, you must identify your true north. In this analogy, it assumes the role of your destination. Second, you must know where you are–your point of departure. This sounds easy enough, right? Knowing the distance between where you are and where you want to be is requisite when planning for any excursion. Whether you’re trying to move a project forward,…

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    Fear Hacks

    There is a famous scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Indy has to traverse a canyon over an invisible bridge, known as The Path of God. It is a fantastical cinematic depiction of a challenge that each of us faces frequently in our daily lives. We see a goal. We hesitate. Eventually, if we are bold, we step forward with our own leap of faith. What drives the hesitation? In the words of writer and entrepreneur, Seth Godin, fear is what stops us. Fear fuels hesitation and doubt. Fear fuels the negative self talk that undermines our confidence. Fear keeps our eyes averted, our mouths shut, and our hands in our pockets. Here are four…

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